Monday, March 4, 2013

Oompa Loompa Doopity Doo...

33 Weeks, 3 Days
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Not much to share today other than this incredibly ridiculous "selfie" shot that I took last night before getting into bed. My feet are almost completely obscured by my enormous belly bump nowadays. Unfortunately, it makes it difficult to enjoy my colorful pedicures. FYI, my feet don't always look this red. I had just gotten out of the bath about 15 minutes prior to taking this photo. Multiple Facebook friends have pointed out that it looks like I have Oompa Loompa feet. Ha! True that.

Vicente and I didn't do much this weekend other than relax and enjoy some quality time together. Friday night,we went to our favorite dinner spot, Salt, with Jess for some delicious grub. I ordered two appetizers for dinner since I can't seem to fit a full entree into my oppressed stomach these days. Saturday, we went to the mall and waddled around for a couple hours. We ordered pizza in for dinner and finally watched Argo. Good stuff. Sunday, I got a pedi and washed all of Baby V's bedding, towels, washcloths and blankets. I'm saving the layette laundry for when my mom comes in town again in a couple of weekends. She's much better at laundry duty than I am, and I'm afraid I'm going to shrink and ruin all of little Vince's expensive new clothes.

This week, I continue my search for nanny candidates in tandem with the other new mommy I found online. We're currently using to advertise our job description and have received several applications from various candidates, but only a couple of those are worth exploring further. I'm trying to set up some additional phone interviews this week, and hopefully we can all get together before the week's end for some in-person interviews. Wish us luck!

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