Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Huge Relief

36 Weeks, 4 Days

We had an ultrasound this morning to check on Baby V in these last few weeks of pregnancy. I'm happy to report that it's all good news! He's right on target for his size (in the 65 percentile) and my amniotic fluid levels are where they should be.  The radiologist estimates that he's around 6 lbs, 12 ounces. If he stays in there until 40 weeks, he'll likely pass the 8 lb. mark! Big boy!

Other than learning that our sweet bun is just about perfectly baked, this was the least climactic ultrasound we've had to date. We really couldn't see much in terms of anatomy or facial features because the baby is so large now.  He was also blocking his face with BOTH of his hands the entire time, so the radiologist wasn't able to give us a take home pic. We were able to see that all his vital organs are working properly, including his kidneys, bladder, stomach and heart. He has a nice healthy head of hair as well. We also got a glimpse of the family jewels, thus confirming for the third and final time that it is, in fact, a boy. :)

In other news: WE OFFICIALLY HAVE A NANNY! I was hesitant to post anything on the blog until we were finished with our search because I didn't want to jinx things. A little more than a month ago, I connected with a new mommy via a listserve comprised of families that live in Southeast Baltimore. She posted a message saying that she was looking for another family with a newborn to join her in a nanny share when she goes back to work in July. I emailed her letting her know our situation, and we decided to meet in person. We immediately hit it off and after talking over coffee, decided that our childcare needs aligned perfectly and we'd go into the nanny share together. From there, we threw together a job description and posted it on Care.com to begin soliciting applications/resumes. We interviewed four candidates in person, and more over the phone, before deciding on the final one today. We offered her the job today and she accepted (pending a background check.) We're working on finalizing the contract as we speak and hopefully things will be signed, sealed, and delivered by this weekend. What a relief!

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