Monday, July 13, 2015

Approaching Third Trimester

26 Weeks, 4 Days

Wow, this blog is a lot harder to maintain the second time around. I have some exciting news to share this week. I finally pulled the trigger on becoming a stay-at-home mom! My plan was to stop working when Baby #2 came along, but I decided to expedite my end date in order to spend a few quality months with Vicente before his brother joins us in October. I've pretty much reached the end of my rope with working full time and being a mom. With hubby returning to his residency in mid-June, it's been really difficult to manage the house, childcare, and a full-time job. Especially while pregnant. And I decided my heart just wasn't in it anymore. So, with that, I put in my months notice a couple weeks ago! My last day will be July 23rd, and then little Vicente and I are off to Texas for a week to enjoy some time with the family. My next trip back home won't be until Christmas since I will be too pregnant to fly, and I don't want to travel until Baby #2 turns two months.

Speaking of which, Baby #2 has a name! Luciano! I'm currently mulling over middle names. Still haven't decided if I want one for him or not since his big brother doesn't have a middle name. But, I'm leaning toward names that start with an A. Maybe Andres? Or Aaron?

Let's see,..what else is going on. I've been incredibly sick this past week with bronchitis. It's just awful being pregnant and sick. Plus it's taken me a lot longer to get over this illness since my immune system is somewhat compromised. I took a sick day from work, which I never do, which tells you that I'm not kidding around. I even spent a couple hours at Patient First last week to figure out what was wrong with me. Sore throat, horrible cough, lots of congestion. Not fun. It's been about 8 days and I'm finally starting to feel better.

In terms of pregnancy symptoms, everything is pretty normal. Luciano is moving around a lot. I tend to feel his feet pushing against the right side of my belly. I also feel him get the hiccups on a near-daily basis. I'm peeing hell of a lot now. And even more now with my robust cough. My mom came into town this weekend and we spent Sunday at the Zoo. I was incredibly out of breath from walking around for a few hours, and my back starting aching pretty quick. I'm getting to the point in my pregnancy where physical exertion is difficult. I also feel the fatigue coming on again. Bye bye to the second trimester energy boost!

I have another prenatal appointment this week where I'll undergo diabetes testing. I'll also have blood drawn to test my platelet levels. I'm anxious to see how much weight I've gained since my last prenatal. I went in a couple weeks ago because I was having a "lady" issue, and I had only gained 3 lbs in 3 weeks. So, hopefully, I haven't gained more than 5 lbs total since my previous prenatal appointment five weeks ago. I'm scared of repeating my 10 lbs in 4 weeks weight gain that I encountered at my last monthly pre-natal visit.

That's all for now! More to come.

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