Monday, February 11, 2013

Technology is "Nuts"

30 Weeks, 3 Days

Yesterday, Vicente and I did something incredibly cool. We visited an ultrasound clinic called Little Bo Peep to get a sneak peek of Baby V before his April debut. This "clinic" is one of the only places in the Baltimore area offering 3-D and 4-D ultrasound services by a registered diagnostic medical sonographer. It's an out-of-pocket expense, but totally worth it if you're anything like me and anxious to see how your baby is growing and developing in utero. My doctor told me several weeks ago that I wasn't going to have any more ultrasounds during my regular check-ups unless something went wrong, God forbid. I had heard of ultrasound clinics like Little Bo Peep before, and figured it would be worth it to pay an extra $100 to see baby V one more time before his birthday. I'm SO happy we did it!

Our ultrasound tech was cute as a button and so enthusiastic about the whole thing. She spent about 15 minutes capturing some priceless images and video footage of Baby V. We got to see his perfect little face, his hands and feet, and the family jewels to confirm that he is, in fact, a dude. I was amazed at how much he looks like his daddy. He definitely has the prominent Valero nose and Vicente's upper lip. Baby V was pouting a lot during the ultrasound, likely due to the invasion of his privacy. Luckily, he gave us a smile or two. So adorable I could die. We saw him opening and closing his mouth like a little guppy, and reaching for his toes with those tiny little hands! What did people do without this kind of technology!?!

I uploaded the ultrasound video to Youtube for easy viewing. Check out our perfect little prince, Vicente Valero, IV! (Disclaimer: video might make you cry.)

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