Friday, November 16, 2012

Here Goes Nothing...

I was G-chatting with my sister-in-law Liz this morning, when she told me she wished she had kept a journal while pregnant because she barely remembers a thing. I’ve toyed with the idea before, but it always seemed like a huge commitment. Each time I attempted to put pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard – I became overwhelmed with the seemingly monumental task of chronicling every experience, emotion and sensation for the next 40 weeks. But, time seems to be flying by and Baby V will be here before you know it! Which is why today, at 18 weeks, I’m turning a new leaf and joining the tens of millions of women who call themselves “mommy bloggers.” Bleh. So here goes nothing…

18 Weeks

I had my monthly OBGYN appointment yesterday and all went well. I've gained 8 pounds since my first pre-natal appointment which was about 10 weeks ago. My total pregnancy weight gain is 13 pounds. As someone who has been thin and fit my entire life, pregnancy weight gain terrifies me a bit; maybe more than the thought of experiencing labor. (I’m sure my tune will change soon enough.) However, I seem to be on target with my weight gain and I can live with that. Normal pregnancy weight gain for a woman my size is between 25 and 35 pounds. If I can stay within that range, I’m going to treat myself to something really expensive…followed by something really high-calorie…at the end of this pregnancy.

Other updates from my latest doctor’s visit: The top of my uterus (aka: fundal height) is at my belly button. We listened to Baby V’s heartbeat on the Doppler and the heart rate was in the 140s. My blood pressure was perfect for the first time since visiting this new doctor. If you don’t know this about me, I suffer from major white coat hypertension. It stems from anxiety I have with doctor’s offices in general, but it’s always worse when I’m at a new practice. My pulse skyrockets as soon as they whip out the blood pressure cuff, and the nurses always look at me like I’m some unstable, crazy person when they take the reading. My pulse has been known to skyrocket to 120 bpm. WHAT is wrong with me?

But I digress…

This Monday is the most anticipated moment of my pregnancy thus far. We have our anatomical survey ultrasound which will reveal the sex of our Baby V! Vicente and I are beyond excited. The anticipation is killing me. I used to say I’d wait until the birth of my child to find out the sex, but then realized I’m way too impatient for that. Let’s not kid ourselves, Amber.

I’ve polled some of our friends and family on what they think Baby V might be, and a majority of them are saying boy. I had a feeling it was a boy at the beginning, but now that we’re so close to finding out, I feel that it could be a girl. I’m 100% honest when I say I have no preference either way. Here comes the cliché: all I want is a healthy, perfect, happy, beautiful child with Vicente’s smile and my green eyes. Is that too much to ask? I’m embarrassed to say I bought one of those silly “gender prediction kits” at Rite Aid back when I was 10 weeks and it clearly said boy. Too bad there’s nothing scientific about it.

I started feeling the baby move recently. It’s called “quickening” but that term icks me out. It reminds me of oatmeal or quicksand or something. The movement isn’t very pronounced just yet; it’s hard to detect unless I’m really still and actually thinking about it. But what the books say is true: it feels like little flutters. Sometimes I get some soft tapping like a leg or hand is knocking me from the inside. At this stage, the baby changing positions is much more noticeable than the tiny fetal movements.Yesterday morning at the doctor’s office, I felt an uncomfortable pressure and a tiny jab of pain in the very lower left side of my abdomen, close to my hipbone. When they pulled out the Doppler to listen for the heartbeat, they determined that the baby was right where all that pressure was. Hunkerin’ down as they say in H-town. I guess it wants to snuggle up next to my colon. Go figures. This morning when I woke up, I rolled over on my back and felt my tummy. Baby V was really high and balled up to one side. Instead of having a nice round belly, I saw an odd protrusion that looked more like a tumor than a baby bump. Sexy.

Here are some iPhone pics I've snapped along the way to document my body’s crazy metamorphosis from fit to matronly.

8 Weeks
9 Weeks

12 Weeks
14 Weeks

18 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I'm glad you started this blog. Even if you only write on it every now and then - it's better than NOTHING and trying to remember (which you won't.) So excited to find out for sure that baby V is a BOY! :) Love all three of you so much <3
