Monday, January 21, 2013

Chugging Right Along

27 Weeks, 3 Days

(I have a lot of catching up to do, so pardon the extra long post this morning!)

I had my Houston baby shower two weekends ago on January 12th. My sister and mom hosted it at my mom's house, and about 35 of my favorite women attended. It was absolutely beautiful and the food was divine. The caterer, Jim Benton, who also catered our engagement party, prepared quite the spread worthy of any pregnant woman! There were fried pickles, chicken-and-waffles, chicken salad lettuce cups, and salmon quiches. My mouth is watering just remembering it. I received some lovely baby gifts - some from my registry, some not - and am incredibly thankful to have such a caring support system to help us bring this baby into the world (even if they're all the way back in Texas.) I'm sending out a special online "thank you" to everyone who came! Your real thank you notes are on the way soon!

My latest doctor's appointment was on Wednesday. As is standard practice, I was screened for gestational diabetes which was unpleasant to say the least. I had to go into the lab super early and chug a glass of glucose. It tasted like flat orange soda with about 20 packets of Equal in it. YUCK. I'm not a gaggy person, but I almost puked trying to drink that stuff. I had to wait an hour before they could draw my blood, so I walked on up to my doc's office for my appointment while the sugar worked its magic. Boy, was Baby V loving it. He was kicking and tumbling all over the place. He must have a sweet tooth just like his daddy. (FYI, my results are in and I'm negative for diabetes. Score!)

According to my doctor's evil scale, I only gained four pounds in four weeks which is a vast improvement from my eight-pound gain the previous month. My grandmother told me I'd probably slow down with the weight gain toward the end of my pregnancy because I wouldn't be able to eat as much as I used to. She's spot on. Now that the baby weighs approximately two pounds, he's taking up a lot more space and my poor stomach is smushed flat like a pancake. That doesn't leave much room for a double bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries, now does it? The doctor is pleased with my weight gain thus far, so I'm not stressing about it. She said the top of my uterus is about four inches above my belly button which means Baby V is on target for growth. She also took my official fundal height measurements for the first time. This is when the doctor measures from the top of the mother's pubic bone to the top of the uterus. I forgot how many total inches she told me I was, but it was all perfectly normal. While the doc was measuring away, she laughed and told me how she could see Baby V visibly moving around. I told you he enjoyed that glucose test! Baby V's heartbeat was in the 150s. My blood pressure was normal. My next appointment will be the last monthly exam. After that, I will go biweekly until the last month when it picks up to weekly visits. That'll be fun.

I had a mild breakdown this past Friday night and started crying out of nowhere. I feel bad for my poor hubby having to take the brunt of my pregnancy outbursts, but in a nutshell, this latest emotional moment was due to the fact that I have the nesting bug HARDCORE and feel like there's so much to accomplish before baby comes. The thoughts running through my head Friday night were along these lines: "Our house is too small. We have too much stuff. There's no room for baby. The nursery is a mess. OMG THE BABY IS GOING TO HAVE TO SLEEP IN THE KENNEL WITH MADISON! HELP!"

Now that I'm entering my third trimester, my physical abilities are becoming more and more limited; I just don't have the stamina to run 50 errands in a weekend like I used to. Despite all that, Vicente and I were super busy this past weekend trying to accomplish a ton of stuff before I can't drag my fat ass around anymore. We picked out paint colors for the nursery, sold the desk, assembled the new daybed for guests to sleep on in the nursery, took apart the old queen-sized guest bed, disposed of a nasty box spring (which proved way more difficult than one would expect), and took a huge load of old crap to Goodwill. I can now breathe a huge sigh of relief because my to-do list is much shorter.

And now, for some pictures!
25 Weeks, 1 Day

26 Weeks, 1 Day

Vicente sets up the crib!
The finished product, plus a nervous beagle.
Crib, post baby shower. Crib and bedding courtesy of the Valero family!

Love this mobile, a gift from my mom
The new guest bed in the nursery

Friday, January 4, 2013

Anatomy Of A Pregnant Lady

25 Weeks

Things are moving along quite nicely in my pregnancy. I'm 25 weeks today, which means I only have 15 more weeks to go! I haven't updated my blog recently because I don't feel like I have much to say these days. I guess that's a good thing because it means all is well in Baby Land. The only thing that has really developed since my last post is fetal movement. Baby Vince is a kicking monkey! I can now differentiate between his kicks and punches. And he rolls around a lot. My belly is really starting to stick out a lot too, and you can see his movements very clearly from the outside.

I came across an interesting sketch today on one of these pregnancy blogs that I follow. It gives a quick anatomy lesson of a pregnant lady, and it really put things into perspective for me. While my baby is nowhere near this size just yet, it still explains why I have the sudden urge to pee when Baby V feels like he's riding low, and it explains why I'm constantly out of breath and feel so full after a few small bites of food.

Anatomy Of A Pregnant Lady (note the bladder and the stomach)
Also, I've started lining up my maternity leave at work, and realized how much it sucks to have a baby in America when you're a working woman. After looking into how other countries handle it, I decided I'm moving to Sweden. Or Germany.